
Completion times for major construction projects improve across Indian cities: Anarock


From 2014 to mid-2024, the average completion time for large under-construction projects in India's top seven cities dropped from 6.1 to 4.9 years, per Anarock data. In Chennai, small projects averaged 3 years and large ones 3.6 years. Hyderabad's small projects took 3.1 years and large ones 4.2 years. Bangalore's small projects averaged 3.5 years and large ones 4.8 years. Kolkata saw the longest time at 5.7 years for large projects. Developers in NCR and MMR faced delays due to outright land purchases and regulatory restrictions. Overall, stronger financial health has improved project execution

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According to Anarock data, the wait time for homebuyers in major under-construction projects in the top seven cities has decreased from 6.1 years during 2010-2019 to 4.9 years in the last decade (2014-H1 2024). Anuj Puri, chairman of Anarock Group, noted that large and publicly listed developers now represent almost 34% of the market, and strict regulations on project delays have significantly contributed to this reduction in completion time.

For all major projects launched and completed between 2014 and H1 2024, Chennai had the shortest average completion time at 3.6 years, while Hyderabad and Bangalore averaged 4.2 and 4.8 years respectively.

In contrast, in NCR and MMR, developers often bought land outright, which strained their financial health and delivery capability. Conversely, most projects in the main southern cities were joint developments, where landowners typically received a share of the developed units. In NCR, extreme weather conditions and regulatory restrictions on construction during high pollution periods also impact construction timelines. Most developers have gradually reduced their leverage and, with stronger financial conditions, can now better focus on project execution, as said by Puri.

In Kolkata, large projects launched and completed between 2014 and H1 2024 had the longest average completion time of 5.7 years. In the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), small projects took an average of 4.7 years to complete, while large projects took about 5.2 years.

In Pune, the average completion time was 4.3 years for small projects and 5.4 years for large projects. In NCR, homebuyers waited an average of 4.7 years for small projects and 5.4 years for large ones.

In Chennai, the average completion time for small projects was 3 years and 3.6 years for large projects. In Hyderabad, small projects took an average of 3.1 years, while large projects took 4.2 years. In Bangalore, small projects averaged 3.5 years to complete, and large projects took 4.8 years.

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