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Goa's Urban Development Minister orders full digitization of civic services


The Goa's Urban Development Minister, Vishwajit Rane, directed all municipalities to digitize all the civic services within the next 15 days, emphasizing online accessibility for services, including tax collection. Rane instructed the chief officers to inspect their jurisdictions, utilize the unused funds, and identify beneficial projects. He also discussed regularizing the contractual municipal employees and introduced field logs for chief officers. Nearly complete GIS mapping for the North of Goa was announced, with plans for South Goa underway. Additionally, Rane mentioned potential amendments to the Goa Municipalities Act, which could require builders to fumigate construction sites, possibly through an ordinance.

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Goa's Urban Development Minister, Vishwajit Rane, has issued a directive to all municipal bodies to ensure that their civic services are fully digitized and available online within the next 15 days. During a recent meeting with municipal officials, Rane emphasized the need for municipalities to embrace digital platforms to provide services such as tax collection more efficiently. While some municipalities have already implemented these online services, others are yet to do so. Rane made it clear that the transition to digital services is mandatory for all.

The minister also directed chief officers to move beyond their offices and conduct on-site inspections to gain a better understanding of their respective jurisdictions. He highlighted the importance of identifying and utilising funds that have been allocated to municipal councils but remain unused. Specifically, Rane mentioned funds provided by the 14th Finance Commission and the Liberation Fund, which are still lying unused with various councils. He urged the officers to collaborate with their councils to identify projects that would be beneficial to the residents and to ensure that these dormant funds are put to good use.

In addition to these directives, Rane discussed the regularization of municipal employees who have been working on contract for more than seven years. This move aims to provide job security to long-serving contractual workers within the municipal framework. Rane also announced that the Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping for towns in North Goa is almost complete, with similar plans set to be executed in South Goa. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to enhance urban planning and management in the state. Furthermore, masterplans for key towns like Mapusa and Mormugao are in the pipeline, which will provide a comprehensive blueprint for their future development.

Finally, Rane revealed that the government is considering amendments to the Goa Municipalities Act. These amendments would make it mandatory for builders to take responsibility for fumigating construction sites. If necessary, this requirement could be enforced through an ordinance, demonstrating the government's commitment to public health and safety.

In summary, Goa's Urban Development Minister, Vishwajit Rane, has taken a decisive step towards the digitalisation and modernisation of the state's municipal services. By mandating the implementation of online civic services within 15 days, he has emphasised the government's commitment to enhancing efficiency and accessibility for residents. Additionally, Rane's directives to optimise the use of allocated funds, regularise contractual employees, and improve urban planning through GIS mapping and masterplans, demonstrate a comprehensive approach to strengthening local governance and urban development in Goa. The proposed amendments to the Goa Municipalities Act, which would hold builders responsible for construction site fumigation, further illustrate the government's focus on public health and safety. Overall, these initiatives underscore Goa's drive to create a more responsive, digitally-enabled, and sustainable urban landscape for its citizens.

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