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Gurugram administration blocks NBCC green view demolition after protests and court case


The Green View project, developed by NBCC, was deemed unsafe by IIT-Roorkee and CBRI, leading to a directive for residents to vacate their flats by March 2022 due to severe structural issues. On June 25, NBCC sought permission to demolish seven unsafe towers, but this request faced strong opposition from Economically Weaker Section (EWS) residents, who are dissatisfied with unresolved compensation claims. The EWS residents, many economically disadvantaged, have been vocal about their grievances in a grievance redressal meeting and have a pending case in the Delhi High Court. Consequently, the district administration denied NBCC's demolition request, emphasizing compliance with the High Court's final decision and ensuring fair compensation for the affected residents. The decision highlights the need for legal adherence and fair treatment of vulnerable stakeholders.

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The Green View project, developed by NBCC, was declared unsafe following structural audits conducted by IIT-Roorkee and the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI). These audits revealed significant safety concerns, leading the authorities to deem the buildings unfit for occupancy. Residents were instructed to vacate their flats by the end of March 2022 due to the dangers posed by the structural issues.

On June 25, NBCC requested permission from the district administration to demolish seven towers in the condominium. However, this move faced strong opposition from EWS flat owners, who were dissatisfied with the unresolved compensation issues. These residents, many of whom are economically disadvantaged, have been seeking fair compensation for their flats, which they argue has not yet been settled.

The EWS residents raised their concerns during a Samadhan Camp, a grievance redressal meeting organised by the administration. They highlighted the fact that no final decision had been made regarding their compensation claims. These claims are crucial for the residents, many of whom cannot afford to lose their homes without adequate financial support. The residents also pointed out that a case regarding the matter is currently being heard in the Delhi High Court.

The protests by the EWS residents, combined with the ongoing legal proceedings, led the district administration to deny NBCC's request for demolition. The administration emphasised that any action must comply with the final order of the Delhi High Court.

The District Town Planning Enforcement (DTPE) department has informed NBCC that they must follow the final decision of the High Court before proceeding with any demolition. Additionally, the DTPE has requested that the Deputy Commissioner provide guidelines to the District Revenue Officer. These guidelines would help in registering the EWS flats, ensuring that the residents' compensation claims can be facilitated in a timely and fair manner.

The denial of the demolition request reflects the administration's recognition of the serious concerns raised by the EWS residents. It also underscores the importance of following legal procedures and ensuring that all affected parties are fairly compensated before any drastic actions, such as demolition, are taken.

For the EWS residents of Green View, this decision is a temporary relief, but the battle is not over. The outcome of the Delhi High Court case will ultimately determine the next steps for NBCC and the residents. Until then, the administration's decision serves as a reminder of the need to address the concerns of all stakeholders, especially those who are most vulnerable.

In the meantime, it is crucial for the authorities to ensure that the residents' rights are protected and that any future actions regarding the Green View project are carried out with transparency and fairness. The residents, many of whom have invested their life savings into these homes, deserve nothing less.

As the situation develops, it will be important for the administration to continue engaging with the residents and NBCC to find a resolution that is both just and sustainable. The decision to block the demolition is a step in the right direction, ensuring that the voices of the EWS residents are heard and considered in the decision-making process.

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