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NMMC collects over INR 10 crore in weekend property tax drive


The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) kept its property tax collection centers open on the weekend of June 29-30, 2024, ahead of the first half of the fiscal year's deadline. This initiative led to a successful collection of INR 10.19 crore. Saturday saw INR 5.83 crore collected, while Sunday brought in INR 4.36 crore. NMMC officials, including Deputy Commissioner Sharad Pawar, facilitated the process. This revenue will fund various civic services, enhancing residents' quality of life. Commissioner Dr. Kailas Shinde thanked citizens for timely payments and encouraged others to contribute. Inquiries can be directed to Additional Commissioner Sunil Pawar at

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The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) kept its property tax collection centers open on Saturday, June 29th, and Sunday, June 30th, which fell on the last weekend before the property tax deadline for the first half of the 2024-2025 fiscal year. This initiative proved highly successful, with the NMMC collecting a total of INR 10 crore 19 lakh (INR 10,19,00,000) in property taxes over the two days.

The breakdown of the collection reveals that INR 5 crore 83 lakh (INR 5,83,00,000) was collected on Saturday and INR 4 crore 36 lakh (INR 4,36,00,000) on Sunday. NMMC officials, including Staff Deputy Commissioner Sharad Pawar, were present at the offices throughout the weekend to facilitate tax collection and ensure a smooth process for citizens.

Keeping the offices open on weekends not only benefited citizens who might have been unable to pay during regular business hours, but also significantly boosted the NMMC's revenue collection. This additional revenue of INR 10 crore 19 lakh will be used to fund various civic services within Navi Mumbai, improving the overall quality of life for residents.

Navi Mumbai Municipal Commissioner Dr. Kailas Shinde expressed his sincere appreciation to the citizens who paid their property taxes on time. He also appealed to those who haven't yet done so to contribute to the city's development by paying their property tax. Dr. Shinde highlighted that property tax is a major source of income for the NMMC playing a crucial role in providing quality services to the residents.

For any inquiries or complaints regarding property tax, citizens can reach out to Additional Commissioner Mr. Sunil Pawar at the email address .

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