United States of America

US banks pass federal stress test with USD 685 billion in losses amid real estate concerns


Major US banks have passed the Federal Reserve's annual stress test, showing they can absorb nearly USD 685 billion (INR 5.2 lakh crore) in potential losses during a severe economic downturn. The test simulated a 40% drop in commercial real estate values, a 36% decline in home prices, and 10% unemployment, with all 31 banks demonstrating sufficient capital reserves. Despite this positive outlook for major banks, concerns persist about the commercial real estate market's health, especially as regional banks holding USD 4.7 trillion (INR 356 lakh crore) in loans were not included in the test. Further monitoring is required to assess these risks.

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Major US banks have passed the Federal Reserve's annual stress test, demonstrating their ability to withstand a severe economic downturn with nearly USD 685 billion (INR 5.2 lakh crore) in potential losses absorbed.This is positive news for the financial sector, but concerns linger about the health of the commercial real estate market.

The test, designed as a hypothetical "disaster drill," simulates a significant economic downturn. This scenario includes a drastic 40% drop in commercial real estate values, a 36% decline in home prices nationwide, and a 10% unemployment rate. The test assesses whether banks would have enough capital to continue lending to businesses and households even under such harsh conditions.

The 31 large banks involved in the test, including financial giants like Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase,demonstrated sufficient capital reserves to absorb these significant projected losses. This suggests they have adequate financial buffers to weather a potential economic storm, offering some reassurance to investors and consumers.

However, the test results don't eliminate all concerns. The commercial real estate market faces significant challenges.With many office workers still remote due to the pandemic, vacancy rates in office buildings are at record highs, exceeding 20% in some areas. This could lead to further declines in property values and loan defaults for banks holding commercial real estate mortgages.

Another point of concern is that the stress test only focused on major banks. Regional banks, which hold a significant portion of the estimated USD 4.7 trillion (INR 356 lakh crore) in outstanding commercial real estate loans in the US, were not included. These smaller banks might be more vulnerable to a downturn in the commercial real estate market due to their less stringent regulations compared to their larger counterparts. A significant amount of these commercial real estate loans, USD 929 billion (INR 70.4 lakh crore), are maturing in 2024, adding pressure to the market.

While the stress test results offer a positive outlook for the major US banking sector, ongoing challenges in the commercial real estate market require further monitoring. The health of regional banks also needs to be considered to get a more complete picture of the potential risks in the financial system.

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