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Lucknow clears 24.5 acres, demolishes 1,320 illegal structures for INR 73 crore Kukrail River eco-tourism hub


Lucknow has made a significant environmental stride by completing the demolition of over 1,320 illegal structures along the Kukrail River, clearing 24.5 acres. The Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) led this initiative to address flood risks and restore the river's ecosystem. Over 1,800 displaced families were relocated using the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana scheme. The state government plans to invest INR 73 crore in developing an eco-tourism hub on the cleared land, promoting job creation, tourism, and environmental awareness. This project exemplifies the balance between urban development and environmental conservation.

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Lucknow has taken a significant step towards environmental restoration with the completion of the demolition of illegal structures on the banks of the Kukrail River. The Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) successfully cleared 24.5 acres of land, removing over 1,320 illegal buildings. This included not only residences but also over 100 commercial properties,utilizing heavy machinery like bulldozers.

For years, the 28-kilometer long Kukrail River faced encroachment by residents who built homes and businesses on the floodplain. This area, crucial for absorbing flood water during heavy monsoon rains, became choked with structures. The encroachment not only posed a threat to the river's ecosystem but also increased the risk of flooding and potential loss of life. The LDA, acting on court orders, initiated the demolition drive in December 2023.

The human cost of the drive was not ignored. The LDA ensured that over 1,800 families who lost their homes were relocated to alternative accommodation. This relocation leveraged the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) scheme, a government initiative providing affordable housing.

With the land recovered, the state government now plans to develop a INR 73 crore eco-tourism hub in the area. This project has the potential to create new job opportunities, boost tourism in Lucknow, and promote environmental awareness. The restored riverbank can also serve as a recreational space for residents, offering opportunities for walking, jogging, and enjoying nature.

The Kukrail River rejuvenation project highlights the importance of balancing development with environmental protection. By removing illegal structures and promoting sustainable practices, Lucknow is setting an example for other cities facing similar challenges. The success of this project paves the way for a future where urban development and environmental well-being can coexist.

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