
Colliers' Green Commitment: achievements in climate action, diversity, and healthy workspaces


Colliers' 2023 Sustainability Report highlights its commitment to a greener future through climate action, diversity, and healthy workspaces. The firm achieved a 24.8% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per square foot, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. Women in management roles increased to 33.5%, and over 35% of large offices received a WELL Health-Safety Rating. In India, Colliers implemented eco-friendly practices and secured LEED and WELL certifications for several offices. The firm collaborates with real estate stakeholders to promote sustainable practices, helping clients achieve green certifications and mitigate environmental risks. Colliers sets a positive industry example, enhancing both business and environmental sustainability.

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Global professional services and investment management firm Colliers recently released its 2023 Sustainability Report, highlighting its efforts towards a greener future. The report focuses on three key areas: climate action, diversity and inclusion, and healthy workspaces.

Colliers is making significant strides in reducing its own environmental footprint. They've achieved a 24.8% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per square foot and secured validation for their emissions targets by the Science Based Targets initiative. This ambitious initiative ensures their goals align with scientific data to combat climate change.

Diversity and inclusion are also a priority for Colliers. The company has increased the number of women in management roles to 33.5%, demonstrating a commitment to a more balanced workforce. Additionally, they are fostering a healthy and positive work environment. Over 35% of their offices larger than 2,500 square feet have achieved a WELL Health-Safety Rating, which signifies a commitment to employee well-being.

Colliers' commitment to sustainability extends beyond their global headquarters. In India, they are actively implementing eco-friendly practices in their offices. This includes installing occupancy sensors to reduce energy consumption and utilizing natural light whenever possible. They've also achieved certifications like LEED and WELL in some Indian offices, including One BKC and Bengaluru offices, and Mumbai One BKC office. Colliers in India has collaborated with several NGOs to give back to the community.

Colliers recognizes the impact the real estate industry has on the environment, estimated to be a major contributor to carbon emissions. They work closely with developers, investors, and occupants to promote sustainable practices across the sector. This involves helping clients secure green building certifications, identify and mitigate environmental risks of up to three times through thorough assessments, and adopt technologies, materials, and architectural designs that improve operational efficiencies. Jatin Shah, Chief Strategy Officer at Colliers India, emphasized that assisting their clients in building a healthy real estate portfolio that concurrently meets business objectives and sustainability goals has always been a key priority.

By focusing on these key areas and measurable achievements, Colliers is setting a positive example for the real estate industry. Their commitment to sustainability not only benefits their own business but also contributes to a greener future for all.

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